iTero Digital Scanner in Downtown Vancouver

Why Georgia Dental Uses the iTero™ Digital Scanner

Georgia Dental uses this incredible technology to take digital impressions, allowing our treatment to be as comfortable and convenient as possible.

Traditional methods can be uncomfortable, time-consuming and messy. Instead of using a tray filled with a goopy putty material, the iTero scanner wand allows us to

Benefits of Using the iTero™ Digital Scanner

Precise, Accurate Impressions 

The scanner’s wand employs incredibly precise imaging technology capable of capturing even the smallest details about a patient’s mouth. Traditional methods require material that hardens, and Patients tend to feel uncomfortable and move, which can dramatically alter the results of these impressions.

Time Savings 

The iTero system takes about 5 minutes to scan the teeth and bite and develop impressions accurately. Traditional methods often take longer and are more prone to error, requiring two or three attempts to get an accurate impression.


The wand fits comfortably in the mouth, allowing the patient to breathe and swallow easily during scanning. There is no gagging or bad taste from materials in the mouth.

Digital Preview of Your Smile 

The iTero™️ Digital Scanner can simulate the expected results of Invisalign so you can preview your new smile before starting treatment!

Less Waste 

Digital impressions replace the need for disposable trays and materials. Records are stored and transferred electronically.